JSCC Scholarship Try Out 19 02 2022

 At the end of last year I had the opportunity to do a test day with JSCC (https://speedygonzalex06.blogspot.com/2022/01/on-thursday-i-had-opportunity-to-do.html). Thanks to my dad I was able to follow that up with the JSCC Scholarship day in February. 

While I didn't win the scholarship, I had huge amounts of fun. Also meeting up, yet again, with Liam TRX was brilliant. All in all I drove five different Saxos - 4 on the track tests and 1 for the car handling test. Ok, one of the track cars was the same as the one for the test day in December.

During the day we had to complete a team building event (AKA Pit Stop Challenge), a media test, a fitness assessment, a car handling test and obviously track testing.

Everybody was super friendly and supportive. Oh and yes, did I manage the fun? The smile is still on my face now.

So here are a few impressions from the day...

Obviously I can't leave out the 360...

After the actual scholarship day on Saturday we stayed on for Sunday to do my Junior ARDS exam. For the practical test I had to drive a Mini Cooper S. Unfortunately the Mini got a puncture, so poor little me had to go out in a Porsche Cayman. 

Once I had passed my ARDS, Molly Dodd let me have a go in her Saxo. So all in all I drove 8 different cars that weekend. Not bad for a 15 year old. is it? 😏

I just love racing!!!
